Friday, January 9, 2009

It's in the Mail!

Miracle of all miracles...I finished Donna's RR! Let me tell you, those Devil's horns are hellacious! But all in all, a very fun stitch and I went and placed Donna's completely finished RR in the mail this morning! Woo! How exciting! I would attach the photos here but *the boy* is holding my photos hostage on his camera. He just does not understand my urgency when I say that people want to see the finished product posted especially after I've reminded him at least 20 times already. I don't know how you married folks do it!

Edited to include picture of Donna's completed Round Robin:
I will start stitching on Wendy's RR on Sunday. :)


Carol R said...

Oh wow - our first completed RR! Well done everyone - how gorgeous is this?

DaisyGirl said...

It is beautiful!!!!!
That one's going to the framers!
Thank you to everybody who stitched on my RR!

Wendy said...

It looks amazing!

Edgar said...

Woo Hoo - a finished RR - I am so excited and it is just beautiful!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!